This is a multi-purpose spacious underground venue of an industrial aesthetic, ideal for art exhibitions, trade shows, parties, corporate and social events of a larger scale.

The Ω2 Complex occupies a total floor space of approximately 1,600 m2 and is situated at the first basement (-1) of the Athens Conservatoire building. It extends outside to an exquisite patio, its main use being a yard.
Complex Ω2 comprises a very large open space, several smaller spaces which can function separately and a small “auditorium” of 200-seating capacity. The venue boasts a distinctive industrial design and it is extremely flexible to meet a wide range of needs. Given the fact that it has no fixed and permanent decoration or equipment, it can be transformed and arranged according to the special needs and requirements of each event.

It is particularly suitable for more creative events such as art exhibitions, but also parties, trade fairs and exhibitions with promotional and commercial pavilions, bazaars, press conferences and creative or glamorous corporate events.

The array of smaller separate rooms within the venue can host separate parallel events.

Visitors can enter the venue through the main entrance using the staircase at the Colonnade. There is also a second entrance through the staircase at the rear end of the building and a third through an elevator.

Along with the use of the venue, the use of the outside Colonnade space is also possible, for supplementary events, such as music happenings, the accommodation of catering or other services etc.

The space is also equipped with wifi and it meets accessibility standards for people with disabilities.


Floor plan view (pdf).




If you are interested to organize your event at the Athens Conservatoire Arts Centre, please fill in the following form.



TEL: (+30) 210 72 40 673  |  EMAIL: venuehire@athensconservatoire.gr





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